Other services
Oxperts Consultancy has been active in Somaliland for many years. Together with our local partner, mrs. eng. Hiba Kosar, we can offer those travellers that are looking for unspoiled adventurous destinations a unique roundtrip of 10 days throughout the country. The country is famous for its hospitality, vibrant business culture, entrepreneurial inhabitants and large variety of landscapes including deserts, green fields, mountains and forests. Somaliland is, unlike the rest of Somalia, a very safe place to visit.
For more information you can contact Ton Meuleman on ton.meuleman@oxpertsconsultacy.com or +31 6 13194669.
Somaliland offers great business opportunities amongst others in telecommunications, durable energy, agriculture, fishery and poultry farming. If you are interested in doing business in Somaliland, you can contact Ton Meuleman on +31 6 13194669.
Congo DRC, Nigeria and Senegal
Oxperts Consultancy has been conducting projects in Congo DRC (Kinshasa), Nigeria and Senegal for many years and has established an extensive network of relations. Aforementioned countries offer great opportunities for a wide variety of businesses.
If you are interested in doing business in Congo DRC, Nigeria or Senegal, you can contact Ton Meuleman on ton.meuleman@oxpertsconsultacy.com or +31 6 13194669.